Latest Past Events

Inescapable Nostalgia in a Post-Internet Generation

Art Gate VR: Divide By Zero Collection

Divide by Zero Collection #Postinternet Series

Panel Talk - Inescapable Nostalgia in a Post-Internet Generation with Henry Middleton, Former Senior Director, MTV Europe, Discovery Channel Asia and Jacobo Garcia Gil. Divide By Zero Collection

Meet us in Art Gate
Friday, April 22nd, 2022
9:00 pm NYC/Toronto Time (EST)
9:00 am Hong Kong (Saturday)

PANEL DISCUSSION: Smart City Art Districts in the Metaverse

(sm)art curators gallery

Featuring: Ralph Overbeck, Vitor Pereira, Karin F. Giusti, Brendon McNaughton and presented by: (sm)art curators. This exciting panel will approach questions around our current evolution into the Metaverse: What does it mean to have synergy between Smart Cities and the Metaverse? How will districts of the Metaverse evolve with smart structures?