AGI 2021 Application

AGI 2021 Application
In VR: Tunirrusiangit Revisited ║ Saturday, April 17th, 2021 ⋅ 5:00 – 6:00pm EST

In VR: Tunirrusiangit RevisitedSaturday, April 17th, 20215:00 – 6:00pm EST Share This Post Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on email Tour of Tunirruusiangit Revisited Join […]
In VR: Tunirrusiangit Revisited ║ Saturday, April 17th, 2021 ⋅ 7:00 – 8:00pm EST

In VR: Tunirrusiangit RevisitedSaturday, April 17th, 20217:00 – 8:00pm EST Share This Post Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on email Panel Discussion # 4 – […]
In VR: Baron Grafton Arthouse ║ Saturday, April 17, 2021 ⋅ 2:00 – 3:00pm EST

Please join us for Conversation with the Artists at Baron Grafton Arthouse in virtual reality. Explore a collection of abstract, conceptual and surrealist artworks by artist Keith Grafton and Maite Baron.
Exhibition tour on April 17. 11am-12pm LA, 2-3pm New York, 7-8pm London, April 18, 2-3am Hong Kong.
In VR: Baron Grafton Arthouse ║ Saturday, April 17, 2021 ⋅ 6:00 – 7:00am EST

Please join us for the exhibition tour of Baron Grafton Arthouse shows ‘The Courage to Love’ (Room 1) and ‘Future Forward’ (Room 2) in virtual reality. Explore a collection of abstract, conceptual and surrealist artworks by artist Keith Grafton and Maite Baron.
Exhibition tour on April 17. 3-4am LA, 6-7am New York, 11am-12pm London, April 17, 6-7pm Hong Kong.
In VR: Baron Grafton Arthouse ║ Friday, April 16, 2021 ⋅ 2:00 – 3:00pm EST

Please join us for the exhibition tour of Baron Grafton Arthouse shows ‘The Courage to Love’ (Room 1) and ‘Future Forward’ (Room 2) in virtual reality. Explore a collection of abstract, conceptual and surrealist artworks by artist Keith Grafton and Maite Baron.
Exhibition tour on April 16. 11am-12pm LA, 2-3pm New York, 7-8pm London, April 17, 2-3am Hong Kong.
To join an event, open Art Gate on your laptop (PC & Mac) or VR headset (Oculus Quest, Quest 2). Meet in the lobby 10min prior to the event time. If you don’t have Art Gate yet, download the app here.
See you in the Metaverse!
Exhibition tour on April 16. 11am-12pm LA, 2-3pm New York, 7-8pm London, April 17, 2-3am Hong Kong.
In VR: Ali Jay ║ Saturday, April 17st, 2021 ⋅ 4:00 – 5:00pm EST

All and nothing. Paint, canvas, energy, movement…bright colors and wide strokes..what is born out of dancing paint and passionate movement of the brush is unknown until we lay eyes on the finished piece. And even then… what speaks to us is individual and unique.
In VR: IC Contemporary ║ Friday, April 16st, 2021 ⋅ 7:00 – 8:00pm EST

Join IC Contemporary’s Director and Curator, Ignazio Colt Nicastro, as he guides you through ICC’s most recent exhibition ‘Looking Back,’ by Canadian artist Elly Heise.
In VR: IC Contemporary ║ Friday, April 16st, 2021 ⋅ 6:00 – 6:30pm EST

Join Ignazio Colt Nicastro, the guest curator for the ‘2019 Everydays Exhibition,’ as he guides visitors through five rooms of the 68 selected works from Beeple’s (Mike Winklemann’s) 2019 Everyday Series.
In VR: Sky Fine Foods ║ Sunday, April 18st, 2021 ⋅ 12:00 – 1:00pm EST

Join Sky Fine Foods for an exhibition tour in VR. The selected works featured in new exhibition from Toronto-based artist Diana Lynn VanderMeulen position a metaphysical journey of varying perspectives within new landscapes.